Ryan's Application


Unix God
Jun 19, 2013
Your name or internet alias;

Your age;

Your localization and/or timezone;
Eastern Time Zone

The languages that you speak;
English, Chinese

Your field of interest within the staff (GM or Developer);

Your education or diplomas (graduated high-school,college,etc);
High School Done
University for Networking and Computer Science

Your programming and coding skills/languages;
HTML, HTML5, PHP, Java, MySQL, hMailServer
I run a Habbo/Minecraft servers alone.
Habbo on Windows Server 2012
Minecraft of OVH VPS Cloud Linux Ubuntu 14.

A short description of yourself and your personality;
I'm Asian Canadian boy who used to work for DR as a STRIKE Team member. After that I've gone missing and got into League of Legends, ijji GunZ etc. Now I am currently working in real life anyways since I got no time to make some retarded stuff I did like from the past and I'm sure you can accept whom I am.

I'll only get angry at you if you start to annoying by spamming or what so ever.

A small text telling us what you could do as a staff member.
Host Events (Their easy, and I know what the community wants)
Forum Moderation (was Forum Admin, 2009-2010)
Support (This is like the most easily thing ever, I can even do this via teamviewer/skype)
Community Advertising (It's easy)